How Reusable Shopping Bags Will Help the World’s Oceans?

One of the biggest reasons for increasing water pollution is the excessive use of plastic bags. Plastic production has increased over the years, but there is no proper technique introduced yet to manage the plastic wastes and recycle them. Thus every year tons and tons of plastic wastes pollute the rivers and streams and ultimately the seas and oceans around the world.

Let us understand this in detail.

Plastic pollution is a threat to the world environment as it impacts the marine creature and the whole marine ecosystem along with the land surface. It is slowly destroying the beautiful beaches, diving sites, coral reefs, and even the remote island regions. It is high time to stop plastic pollution and look for alternative ways.

Speaking of alternative ways, reducing the use of single-use plastics followed by recycling the plastic wastes are the two ways of stopping water pollution.

• Reducing single-use plastics- Everyone should be aware of the plastic wastes and must avoid using single-use plastics. These include plastic bags, straws, cups, take-out containers, and other plastic items that you discard. Most of the plastic wastes of ocean water come from these things.

• Recycling plastic wastes- Proper recycling methods should be taken care of by waste management industries. Recycling can benefit the environment by eliminating the wastes and circulating the same material instead of creating new ones. This way oceans and seas can be kept clean and plastic-free.

Why Use Reusable Shopping Bags?

Reusable shopping bags or bags made of eco-friendly materials such as cotton or jute are the best way to reduce plastic use. The most sustainable materials that can be used to make reusable bags are cotton, hemp, jute, and bamboo.

Be it your regular grocery bags or shopping tote-style canvas bags, reusable bags have been gaining popularity. They are biodegradable and do not harm nature or pollute land, air, and water.

More than anything, reusable shopping bags do not produce a litter. Plastic bags easily create litter and also clog the drains. But with reusable bags, the ecosystem can be saved with reduced litter and pollution creating wastes. Thus reusable bags are good for humans and animals.

Since reusable bags last for many years and can be easily reused after repair or recycling, they will eliminate the use of plastic wastes and can save ocean water with time. Less disposal of non-biodegradable wastes will ensure cleaner ocean water.

Apart from saving the water resources of the planet, reusable bags have other benefits too. Let’s find out what they are:

• Reusable bags made of cotton or jute are very much cost-effective. You do not need to buy them regularly. One bag will last you for many years if you keep it properly. Whenever your reusable bag gets dirty, you can wash them and keep using it again.

• Reusable bags are very strong and durable. They will not get damaged like plastic bags. You can carry a heavy load easily.

• Plastic wastes not only create water pollution and destroy ecosystems, but they also deplete natural gas and crude oil resources. But with reusable bags, you are not depleting the natural resources and also saving the cost of cleaning the plastic wastes.

• Reusable bags are easy to carry. No matter where you travel you can carry a cotton reusable shopping bag. They will feel comfortable to carry.

People understand the necessity to stop using plastic bags. But it is not always clear how much danger plastics are for the world. When you switch to reusable bags, you do not need to use single-use bags for shopping or any other purposes. Thus it will lessen plastic production and ultimately the wastes.

A small change like using reusable bags for saving the ocean water and the planet is a big step towards a better world. So buy a reusable bag and embrace sustainable living.